Nemzetközi Horizon2020 - MATE pályázatok
Horizon2020 pályázatok
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Nemzetközi Horizon2020 táblázatban
Utolsó frissítés: 2025 február 25.
Projekt azonosító | Acronym | Projekt címe | Kezdete | Befejezése |
Soils4Africa | Soil Information System for Africa | 2020.06.01. | 2025.05.31. | |
PIGWEB | An infrastructure for experimental research for sustainable pig production | 2021.10.01. | 2026.02.28. |
NeoGIANT | The power of grape extracts: antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to prevent the use of antibiotics in farmed animals | 2021.10.01. | 2025.09.30. | |
EATFish | European Aquaculture Training for improving Seafood Husbandry | 2024.11.30. | 2025.06.30. | |
AQUAEXCEL 3.C | AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in European fish research 3.0 | 2020.11.01. | 2025.10.31. | |
101000371 | SOILGUARD | Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing | 2021.06.01. | 2025.05.31. |