Horizon2020 pályázatok

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Nemzetközi Horizon2020 táblázatban

Utolsó frissítés: 2025 február 25.

Projekt azonosító Acronym Projekt címe Kezdete Befejezése


Soils4Africa Soil Information System for Africa 2020.06.01. 2025.05.31.



PIGWEB An infrastructure for experimental research for sustainable pig production 2021.10.01. 2026.02.28.


NeoGIANT The power of grape extracts: antimicrobial and antioxidant properties to prevent the use of antibiotics in farmed animals 2021.10.01. 2025.09.30.


EATFish European Aquaculture Training for improving Seafood Husbandry 2024.11.30. 2025.06.30.


AQUAEXCEL 3.C AQUAculture infrastructures for EXCELlence in European fish research 3.0 2020.11.01. 2025.10.31.
101000371 SOILGUARD Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing 2021.06.01. 2025.05.31.