ID - MATE pályázatok
Last modified: 13. ianuarie 2023
Projekt azonosító:
Projekt acronym:
Projekt címe:
Interdisciplinary Dialogue
Elnyert támogatás EUR:
56778 €
European Theatre and Film Institute
• Edith Cowan University
A projekt tartalmának bemutatása:
The aim of Interdisciplinary Dialogue (ID) is to train a new professional figure in the theatre aware of the interaction of disciplines, which is the core of modern theatre productions. Interdisciplinary Dialogue (ID) offers its participants a method to become more competent in their sector, with a strong focus on its multiple skills developed through an interuniversity interdisciplinary mechanism of cooperation. The project aims to exploit the multidisciplinary nature of theatre to develop a new methodological approach for the theatre and for the higher-education system; with a strong emphasis on the importance of cooperation in further education. With the use of research-based learning, participants will benefit from a culturally and artistically diverse learning environment, which will enhance their transversal, intercultural, reflective and communication skills. The pandemic helped confirm our vision that teaching a single discipline in art schools is the oldfashioned way. Long before the pandemic, applicant organisation ETFI began to conduct a courses: * musician- actor, *singer-designer, * actor-psychologist, * director-3d artist, * technologist-writer, * linguist-performer. When the pandemic began, theaters, concert halls and cultural centers closed, our students showed greater resilience and ingenuity, openness to new media, to the use of the Internet, and to the use of new skills acquired with ETFI, instead of complaints and protests. That is why, within the framework of our project, we want to create a consortium of universities ready to integrate even more unexpected, but necessary, practical, vital and simply interesting combinations of disciplines. This, of course, does not replace a deep knowledge of the main profession, but broadens the student's horizons, helps him/her to be more ready to enter the changing labor market and to be a more stable and adaptable employee/freelancer. Why is this project so important to us? Feeling that the role of the theater is seriously underestimated, our project focuses particularly on its multidisciplinary nature and we want to forge new professions and new mechanisms to exchange skills with each other. The expansion of international contacts in education has shown that a deeper understanding of the mentality, lifestyle and moral values of representatives of another linguosocium is necessary if we want cooperation to be effective for our target groups (students and teachers of HEIs). First of all, this means the development of such personality traits as openness, tolerance and willingness to communicate with others.