
VET in Horticulture

Last modified: 15. August 2022

Projekt azonosító:
Projekt acronym:
VET in Horticulture
Projekt címe:
Vocational Education for Digital Transformation in Horticulture
Elnyert támogatás EUR:
60964 €
Alföldi Agrárszakképzési Centrum
•    iTStudy Hungary Számítástechnikai Oktató- és Kutatóközpont Kft.
•    Sapientia Erdélyi Magyar Tudományegyetem Marosvásárhelyi Kar, Kertészmérnöki Tanszék
•    Pro Scientia Naturae Alapítvány
A projekt tartalmának bemutatása:
The objective of the project is to contribute to the digital and green transition of agriculture by delivering innovative, high quality learning materials for VET teachers on smart greenhouses, involving actors from the labour market. The project will
•    identify the digital skills needs for smart greenhouses in collaboration of companies in order to tackle future skills mismatches in horticulture
•    facilitate the development and scale-up of flexible, modular, and learner-centred micro-courses enabling VET schools of the agriculture sector to give quick and relevant response to the needs of the labour market
•    foster technical and digital skills and effective, innovative training methods of teachers in agriculture, help them to learn and teach in virtual environments and provide them up-to-date knowledge on smart greenhouses.