

Last modified: 26. July 2023

Projekt azonosító:
Projekt acronym:
Beneficial rOO​​​​​​​t
Projekt címe:
Beneficial rOOt - associated microorganisms for SusTainable agriculture​​​​​​​
Elnyert támogatás EUR:
Konzorcium vezető:


  • Magyar Agrár-és Élettudományi Egyetem

A projekt tartalmának bemutatása:
Beneficial micro-organisms in the rhizosphere, including arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, symbiotic nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and plant growth-promoting bacteria and fungi, play a key role in efficient and environmentally friendly crop production. Despite their importance and their ecological and economic benefits, they are not sufficiently addressed in agricultural production and breeding programmes, and research projects on soil microbial communities are under-researched. Identifying the environmental and genetic factors that regulate the interaction between cultivated plants and soil microbes is of paramount importance for the development of sustainable agriculture. These studies require a multidisciplinary approach, with different research objectives: (i) functional characterization of beneficial soil microorganisms and their diversity, (ii) characterization of soil microorganism-plant interactions and the molecular processes that govern them, (iii) quantification of the ecological and economic importance of plant-soil microbial interactions, and (iv) identification or selection of crop varieties and effective microorganisms adapted to specific and widespread growing conditions. In this approach, useful micro-organisms should be selected in conjunction with the most responsive plant genotypes and cropping systems to maximise their diversity and beneficial properties.