

Last modified: 26. July 2023

Projekt azonosító:
Projekt acronym:
Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture
Projekt címe:
Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture : European Network for sustainability​​​​​​​
Elnyert támogatás EUR:
Konzorcium vezető:


  • Magyar Agrár-és Élettudományi Egyetem

A projekt tartalmának bemutatása:
Current crop protection in EU agriculture is largely based on chemical pesticides, which will play a key role in pest control in the future. Given the serious health and environmental consequences of pesticide use, there is a strong demand from public authorities, consumers and society to reduce the use of chemical pesticides across Europe. Farmers are also calling for research and innovation that will protect crops in a different way while maintaining incomes and production. A clear change of direction and paradigm is needed. To facilitate this transition, a clear and unambiguous policy is now needed, with a strong emphasis on preventive crop protection and agroecologically based practices to avoid pest outbreaks. The proposed T0P-AGRI network cost measure aims to achieve the transition to "zero pesticide agriculture", paving the way for a future of agriculture free of synthetic pesticides and natural pesticides that have a negative impact on the environment and human health. To address this challenge, the T0P-AGRI network will establish and organise a broad community of researchers with the following objective: to create a European network of leaders with high level and transdisciplinary expertise around the common objective of pesticide-free agriculture, with a special focus on young scientists. In order to enable a real redesign of the whole food system, the T0P-AGRI network will promote the coordinated mobilisation of scientists, farmers, processors, public authorities and consumers, in close collaboration with the following for the activities under this action.